Gospel Community Kingdom
A church with imperfect people seeking to follow Jesus for those who are followers of Jesus and those who are seeking the truth
for those who are deconstructing and those who are devoid of any religious belief for those who are seeking intelligent religious conversation and for those who are seeking a community.

Who We Are
A gospel-centered church in the Reformed tradition introducing Bangaloreans to God, engaging them with the person of Jesus Christ, and equipping them to love God and others as his followers.
Upcoming Events

Sunday Service
Join us on Sundays at 10 am here to discover the love of God in Jesus Christ and how we can live a life of purpose and meaning
“To all who are spiritually weak and seek rest,
who mourn and long for comfort,
who struggle and desire victory,
who sin and need a savior,
who are strangers and want fellowship,
who hunger and thirst for righteousness
and to whomever will come,
this church opens wide her doors
and offers welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
NCF' Instagram
Error validating access token: Session has expired on Monday, 10-Feb-25 22:05:29 PST. The current time is Thursday, 13-Feb-25 11:07:31 PST.