Leadership & Staff


Our church is overseen by a plurality of elders who fit the profile of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. Based on 1 Timothy 5:17, the elders are classified as teaching elders (or pastors) who labour in preaching and teaching, in addition to the shepherding responsibilities they share with the ruling elders. In Presbyterian parlance, the teaching elders and ruling elders together constitute the session. They possess the authority of the Word and so proclaim the gospel and shepherd the flock towards Christ’s green pastures.

Rakshit John

John Rakshith Prabhakar

Minister of Church Planting

ivan david e1682590562461

Ivan David Vaseekaran

Ruling Elder


Jesvin Jose

Ruling Elder

Sandeep Jaykumar e1682936407904

Sandeep Jaykumar

Ruling Elder

Philip Yalla e1682588844218

Philip Ewan Yalla

Lead Pastor

Theodore e1682588942725

Theodore Vijay

Ruling Elder


Deacons assist the elders in the authority of service in leading the congregation in generosity and mercy towards the members of NCF and our city’s neighborhoods. These candidates exhibit care and advocate for people’s material needs.


We have three kinds of internships. The seminary internship is designed to help prepare people for ministry while in seminary. After seminary, the session chooses candidates for a pastoral internship if they are preparing to serve at an established church or church planting internship, which seeks to equip them for church planting in India, focusing on urban ministry. Through our internships, we seek to bless the wider church by investing in future leaders today. Abishua Joel currently serves as our pastoral intern.